TNG “Chain of Command” Blu-ray: New HD Trailer




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TNG “Chain of Command” Blu-ray: New HD Trailer




Following hot on the heels of the newly released trailer for Star Trek: The Next Generation – Season 6 on Blu-ray, CBS have given us more HD Trek to marvel at with a special preview of the single-disc release of TNG’s “Chain of Command”. The release is set to feature both parts of the hard-hitting episode edited together in a feature-length presentation with some exclusive bonus material including an audio commentary and documentary. Like Season 6, we’re expecting “Chain of Command” to hit shelves around June.

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“Chain of Command” has always been one of TNG’s best two-parters, albeit excelling in different areas to classics such as “The Best of Both Worlds”. The trailer is intense in every way, skillfully communicating the high stakes of Picard’s mission and the dire straits he finds himself in at the hands of the cruel Gul Madred.

There’s a nice preview of the bonus material, including a hint at a new deleted scene, one of several removed from the final cut of the episode. For the first time we can see Data and Jellico discussing the Federation’s defense plans for Minos Korva, the very thing we see Gul Madred ask Picard about in the episodes’ torture scenes! Jellico reveals that he only received the plans himself that day, so Picard never saw them… meaning that Picard will never be able to answer Madred’s questions about Starfleet’s plans.

Much like Season 6, watch out for a host of articles featuring commentary, analysis, HD screencaps and downloads from “Chain of Command” in the coming weeks.


Here’s a closer look at the Chain of Command cover art, featuring an emotionally wrecked Picard with the cold calculating stare of Gul Madred, separated by a motif which incorporates the same design as Madred’s office-come-torture chamber.


Be sure to let us know what you think about the new trailer in the comments below as well as the quality of remastering on display.

UPDATE: Both Season 6 and “Chain of Command” are now available for you to pre-order from Amazon! Help support TrekCore and head on over to Amazon through our links below to lock in your pre-order today!

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